Mental health and Personal Development  

 mental health and Wellbeing 

The psychology of life presents us with some uncomfortable truths. One such truth is that life is hard (and sometimes unfair). These days it seems to only be getting harder. From inflation, the cost of back to school, illness, relationships difficulties, death and grief, the list of life’s problems goes on and on. It is inevitable that across our lifetime we will experience setbacks, disappointments and upsetting events. Therefore prioritising our mental health and wellbeing is important. 
If you are experiencing stress or a difficulty with your mental health remember you are not unique. A helpful thought at this time is “one in four people in Ireland will experience a mental health problem each year. I’m definitely not alone”. Seeking help from a psychologist to discuss stress and/or troubles is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. 

Mental health-
common issues 

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Stress 
  • Burnout 
  • Anger Management 
  • Unhealthy substance use 
  • Trauma 
  • OCD 
Speak to Aoife about how cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help you to manage your problems by tackling your thoughts and behaviour. 

Personal development

Personal development sessions can take the form of one-to-one or group work/workshops.  Sessions typically cover: 
  • Mindset 
  • Self-esteem/self-confidence
  • Social skills 
  • Perfectionism
  • Lifestyle change 
  • People pleasing 
  • Resilience 
Get in touch with Aoife today to discover the highly effective psychology tools to maximise your mental health. wellbeing and happiness.