Frequenly Asked Questions 

  1. How long does a session last? A session typically lasts 45-50 minutes for adults and 40 minutes for under 18's. 
  2. Where are sessions held? Sessions are currently online via Teams or Zoom. Group sessions can be held in in quiet locations. Travel expenses may apply.
  3. How many sessions will I need? This is a difficult question to answer as everyone is different. Most clients need a minimum of 3 months or around 6 sessions. Big goals will need more time while small goals may need less. Many athletes choose to incorporate sport psychology into their regular training routine. Wanting things to be sorted quickly or getting inpatient with the process is understandable when you really want to feel better. Remember as it has taken you time to settle into your current habits, it will take time to unlearn these habits and learn new ones. The longer the habits have been present, the longer change will take. Psychology is an investment in yourself.
  4.  How much does a session/workshop cost? Prices start from €110. Please get in touch directly for more information.
  5. Do you work with athletes from all sports? Yes Aoife provides both individual sport psychology support as well as team sport psychology support. 
  6. Do you work with clients outside of sport? Yes Aoife works with clients seeking help for a range of issues relating to performance, mental health and wellbeing.