Dr. Aoife Quinn Sport Psychologist 

Dr. Aoife Quinn is a sport psychologist based in Dublin.  Alongside her consultancy work, Aoife is the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at City Colleges and is a psychology tutor with Dublin City University (DCU).  Aoife works with individuals and teams from grass roots/beginner level to elite/professional level across all sports and performance settings.  Using evidence-based practice, Aoife maximises performance, well-being and enjoyment. Aoife has developed a client-centered approach which includes a holistic assessment and tailor-made plan.  Tailored workshops for clubs, schools and organisations are also available.  

Additional Work 

In her role as Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at City Colleges, Aoife lectures in counselling psychology, sport and exercise psychology, addiction studies and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).  Aoife is also a psychology tutor with DCU teaching the abnormal psychology and psychological counselling course. She is also an occasional lecturer with University College Dublin and provides community-based lectures on a variety of topics nationwide. A regular contributor to the Garda Review Magazine, Aoife writes articles on topics in the area of mental health and wellbeing. 


Aoife's passion for sport psychology drove her to complete her BA in Psychology at Maynooth University followed by a PhD in Cognitive Sport Psychology at University College Dublin supervised by the late Professor Aidan Moran. Throughout her PhD which looked at expert-novice differences between showjumping athletes, Aoife was fortunate to receive a scholarship from the Irish Research Council working alongside Horse Sport Ireland. 

Sport Experience 

Aoife has been involved with horses for many years with competition experience in all of the equestrian sport disciplines.  She is also a former ballet dancer and retired competitive Irish dancer.  Aoife combines her experiences in sport with her academic knowledge and skills to provide highly comprehensive programmes for athletes and performers.